Moving into a new home can be a very stressful process. Getting to the point of settling into the new home can take time and effort, especially if this is the first time you and your family have done this type of move. Knowing where to begin the process of unwinding and settling into the property can make a difference. We have a few tips on how to make this easier for everyone.
1. One Room at a Time
When settling into a new home, it is vital to avoid getting overwhelmed with the process. This can happen if you start to tackle too many rooms at the same time, which is why choosing one room to start with is important. This may even mean tackling one part of a room at a time, especially in larger areas like kitchens or family rooms. Some Austin movers recommend starting with the kitchen and bedroom essentials first before moving onto the other parts of the house.
2. Check Safety
A very important step that you should take as soon as you move in is to check that all of the safety features, like smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms are working correctly. If you need to connect your alarm system, then do so as soon as you move in. You do not want to put your family at risk, and many people end up forgetting to connect all of these features in the hectic process of moving in.
3. Tackle Hard Tasks First
If you hate to set up your home entertainment unit, then that is the first task you should undertake. The moving-in process is exhausting, so you do not want to tackle the hardest projects at the end of it. Do them first and get them over with to start feeling more at ease in the property.
4. Set Aside Important Documents and Items
Everyone has important documents, like passports and the like, as well as items that are of value to the family. These items should be placed in a safe location so that they do not get lost in the process of unpacking. Burglaries can occur when a new family has moved into a property, and you want to ensure that all of your valuable items and paperwork are safe. You will be amazed at the peace of mind this simple step will provide.
5. Set Up Utilities
Before the move, be sure to set up your home’s utilities. It’s important to ensure your gas, electricity, and water are turned on prior to your arrival so you can see to start unpacking your moving boxes. See here for a comprehensive guide on how to set up city of Austin utilities.
6. Clean First Before Unpacking
Alright. Everything in your new home is a mess right now. But that’s okay. Got to start somewhere. The first thing in your mind at the moment might be to unpack and just get it over with. But it can be difficult or discouraging to do so with all clutter lying around.
Clean around your house first to get rid of the dust and dirt. You can even make this a fun activity by getting the kids involved. Your mind will be more at peace with clean surroundings, and you’ll have a better mindset of being settled into your new place.
7. Change Your Locks
You can never be too sure who might have a key to your home, especially if you’re renting or you’ve bought it from someone. That’s why it’s always a good idea to change the locks as soon as you move in. It’s better to take precautions and avoid a bad situation from happening than let the risks stay in the first place.
8. Acclimate Your Pets to Your New Home
Moving has a significant impact on animals. Remember that. If you have pets, the first thing you need to do is help them get used to the new environment. You don’t want your cat or dog running away due to this huge change in their life.
Start out slowly. Let them explore each room one at a time. Don’t force them into any certain part of the house, but let them come to the door and see it if they want to. If they seem scared or uncomfortable after being in there for five minutes, take them out again. It’s okay if they are confused about everything at first; give them some time to adjust.
9. Hire Trusted Austin Movers
One person can only do as much. Two heads are better than one, right? Ten hands are even better at getting the job done. So consider hiring local, trusted moving services in Austin, TX, help ease the burden for you.
However, don’t just blindly hire any company you randomly come across on the Internet. You’re setting yourself for disaster if you do. You have to make sure you work with people that can be trusted. Doing so helps you avoid wasting money on substandard services or getting scammed completely.
Here’s how you can check the legibility of your potential movers:
- First, run their USDOT number on the FMCSA mover search tool to see if they’re registered.
- Next, enter their TxDMV number on the Truck Stop Search Tool for Texas moving companies. A registered mover will show an ‘active status.’
- Finally, read reviews and obtain referrals regarding the company. This helps give you an idea of your possible experience with their service.
10. Trust the Process
Settling down is never easy. Since you’re new to the area, the environment and community might make you feel lonely or isolated. Try to give it some time. Meet people around your neighborhood. Engage in activities together. Perhaps invite each other over for get-togethers. If you’re really feeling down about the move, remember that many others have gone through it before! Everything will be back to normal before you know it.
All of these tips can make it easier for you and your family to move into your new home without fear and stress. Tackling one room at a time can prevent everyone from getting overwhelmed, and ensuring that all safety measures are in place can bring peace of mind. Although moving into a new home will always cause some stress, it does not have to be debilitating if you take the time to plan out what to tackle first carefully.